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Mar 23, 2011

Yo homies its Caz heres the deal we are going to have new featured accounts every week but in order... more

Out of messages and Membership deals
Jan 12, 2011

Ok so first off I see alot of people saying they are out of messages this is not the case... more

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AudiCurtains's Profile
Last logged in:  Jan 30, 2012 

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Personal Details
About Me
Yo yo my clown brethren :)

My name iz Audi or you may very well call me Bean
I've been down for about as long as I can remember...which coincidentally is from about the age of 10. I'm a true juggalette for life , and will welcome anyone who's interested in getting to know me with open arms.
Much love
Basic Information
Marital Status: Single
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Religion: Atheist
Languages: English, Russian, Other
Referred by: Web Search Engine
My Links: I'll tell you later
Physical Appearance
Ethnicity: Caucasian (white), Hispanic / Latino
Height: 5' 6" (167 cm)
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Dark Brown
Body Type: Athletic
Body art: Visible tattoo, Scarred, Piercings you'll have to ask about
Best feature: Legs
Weight: 125 lbs (56.7 Kg)
Sense of humor: Obscure: I'm usually the only one laughing, Dry / Sarcastic: I'm not bitter because I'm single. Quite the opposite
Exercise: Every other day
Daily diet: Keep it Healthy
Smoking: 420 Only
Drinking: Just socially
Living situation: Live with roommates
Have children: No
Want children: Yes
Professional Life
Education: Some College
Employment status: Part-time
Current annual income: Less Than $25,000
Job schedule: Half time
Hobbies: I fer sure am the type of girl that absolutely needs to stay busy. Whenever I am stagnant, I find myself get ting depressed, so to combat boredom & anxiety I like to express myself through drawings or paintings (a little into oil pastels lately), writing dark poetry, reading, experimenting with make-up, or playing my kazoo :D

oh, and 420 all dayyyy!
Sports: Running, Walking / Hiking, Weights / Machines
Favorite things: Some favorites of mine include:
Yellow (anything), clay, dogs, clowns, tea, socks, marijuanas, faygo red pop, roses, california burritos, clean diapers, && my juggalo family :D
Last reading: My roommate recommended Middlesex (a novel) to me a few months back. With school and work it's taken me a long time to read it, but it's one of my favorite books now i think, because it's about hermaphrodites and there's a lesbian sex scene :)
Common interests: Book club / Discussion, Hobbies and crafts, Music and concerts
What I am looking for: I told you, i'm always open to meeting or getting to know anyone as long as they aint goin to bring me down or judge. I want someone who can hold a conversation with me, and someone who can appreciate my humor and antics :)

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Jrthekilla13: One word sexy. Hit me up if u wanna get to know a lo


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