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  Blunts's Profile Last logged in:  Sep 07, 2008  
Personal Details
Looking for:Juggalette
Location:Lockport, New York, United States
Pictures loaded:3 picture(s)
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About myself:Laid back weed smoker. Music producer,
writer, hater killer. Been down for 12 years
baby, hit me up.

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Basic Information
Marital Status: Single
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Religion: None / Agnostic
Languages: English
Referred by: MyJuggaloSpace.com
My Links: www.myspace.com/redrumthedeadone
Physical Appearance
Ethnicity: Caucasian (white)
Height: 5' 8" (173 cm)
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Black
Body Type: Fit
Body art: Visible tattoo, Pierced...but only ear(s), Piercings you'll have to ask about
Best feature: Eyes
Weight: 132 lbs (59.9 Kg)
More About Me: I'm a skinny, chain smoking, motherfucker that just likes to have FUN! And like I said, i'm working on perfecting my production skills, making beats, editing and mastering tracks, all that shit. I write shit constantly like i'm diseased, poetry, rhymes, short stories, and essays. My future lies in the music industry, but will always remain underground. I go to ITT-Tech for reasons unknown to me at this point (that school sucks DICK for $41,000). I'm a down to earth kid, but I do smoke alotta weed and far too many squares. Haha.. I play video games on my down time, i'm a sucker for RPGs/fantasy/killing and I work in a complete shit hole called Amvets (Salvation Army type deal). That's me, stated very simply.. i'm a complicated mufucka, damn!
Sense of humor: Campy: The cheesier, the better, Goofy: Cartoons still crack me up, Clever: Nothing's better than a quick-witted comeback, Obscure: I'm usually the only one laughing, Dry / Sarcastic: I'm not bitter because I'm single. Quite the opposite, Friendly: I'll laugh at anything
Exercise: Every other day
Daily diet: Meat and Potatoes, Junk Food, Fast Food, Keep it Healthy
Smoking: Yes, regularly
Drinking: Just socially
Living situation: Live with parents
Have children: No
Want children: Not sure
Professional Life
Education: High school, Some College
Employment status: Part-time
Current annual income: Less Than $25,000
Job schedule: Full time 9 to 5
Hobbies: I watch mostly Horror flicks and comedy all day..
I'm all about Adult Swim.. 2 YEARS AGO.. gettin crazy into Weeds, Californication, and Dexter.. Showtime's doin somethin right finally. Anyway, I guess I watch whatever catches my attention. I watch basketball more then anything else, little bit into football, but I gotta keep it real, fuck hockey! I smoke alot of fuckin weed, I enjoy cussing, all the time everywhere.. so if me telling the dude at Burger King to fuck off bothers you, see ya in Hell baby. Also, if you couldn't tell, I only fuckz with the Kang baby.. haha.. I ain't got a beach so I don't like walking on it. Music really is my life, so that's my main shit, all jokes aside.
Sports: Baseball, Basketball, Billiards / Pool, Bowling, Football, Martial arts, Running, Walking / Hiking, Weights / Machines
Favorite things: Color - Black
Food - Anything deep fried, and i'll fuck a 1/2 gallon of whatever ice cream UP after a good session.
Blunt - Philly/White Owl - Watermelon/Chocolate
Weed - "That good gooood"
Drug - Xanax/Shrooms/Painkillers are occasionally nice toooooo!
I love blood, guts, and I really appreciate it when people bring intelligence to the situation, I hate drama, and fuckers acting like they 13 years old. Grow up and I will love you to death. Haha..

I like shit, you'll see.

Last reading: Journey to Ixtlan.. talk about a mind fuck. It's by Carlos Castaneda, check that shit out for

Stephen King for life!!!!
Anything of his I find genious in, just an amazing writer.

I like to read random Hip-Hop lyrics, even artists I don't like I try to keep an open mind and learn from other people's styles.
Common interests: Camping, Cooking, Coffee and conversation, Dining out, Hobbies and crafts, Movies / Videos, Museums and art, Music and concerts, Playing cards, Political interests
What I am looking for: I'd definately appreciate a lette that ain't all about cheatin on a dude. Funny that's the 1st thing that comes to mind... But on the real, I don't really care about looks too much, intelligent conversation, and a straight up playful, upbeat attitude is cool. I love being crazy, so if you can stand someone who don't mind acting like an idiot, thats a plus. Haha.. I honestly just want someone who's down to ride. I'll also tell you this, I DO NOT CHEAT. Fuck anyone who does too. That's fuckin evil shit, and if you have, do, or will, I would suggest you be honest with yourself and move the fuck on from my profile. Don't cheat ladies, if I found someone I could truly trust.. friend, girlfriend, wife, what-the-fuck-ever, I would be happy on a whole new level. Trust is IMPORTANT PEOPLE! Make it happen!

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